
Abortion rights protesters pack Washington

WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 (UPI) -- Tens of thousands of people crowded Washington to protest the landmark Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States.

Despite frigid weather Friday, the annual "March for Life" included a rally near the U.S. Capitol and a protest outside the Supreme Court building, and has a special poignancy this year, the 40th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision.


On Tuesday's anniversary of the ruling supporters spread 3,300 flowers outside the court, in freezing weather, the Voice of America reported.

Organizers said the flowers represent the daily number of abortions in the United States.

"We are expecting record-breaking crowds, 80 percent under the age of 20," said Jeanne Monahan, president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

Buses shuttled in anti-abortion rights advocates from around the country, many protesters motivated by church groups and social media, USA Today said Friday.

Pope Benedict XVI lend his support to the demonstration through his personal Twitter account, saying, "I join all those marching for life from afar, and pray that political leaders will protect the unborn and promote a culture of life."


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