WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 (UPI) -- The National Rifle Association had dismal results in its effort to elect a gun-rights-friendly Congress and president, a non-partisan report indicated.
The campaign watchdog group Sunlight Foundation reported the NRA's Political Victory, the political action committee of the powerful gun-lobbying organization, spent nearly $11 million on candidates in the general election, but received less than a 1 percent return on its investment.
On the negative side of the ledger, Sunlight said the NRA spent $8.97 million opposing Democrats and $186,867 opposing Republicans. The gun lobby spent $18,625 supporting Democrats and $2.62 million supporting Republicans.
In the presidential race, the NRA spent more than $7.4 million in opposition to President Obama and nearly $1.9 million in support of Republican Mitt Romney,
Overall, the NRA supported or opposed 66 candidates. Twenty-seven NRA-supported candidates won and five candidates it opposed lost. Sunlight said that tally represents 0.81 percent of the group's total spending on general elections in 2012.