
Dozens brawl in hotel after weddings

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 8 (UPI) -- A brawl between two wedding parties during the weekend ended with three people arrested and one person dead of a heart attack, police said.

Police were called to a Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia early Sunday because of a massive fight among guests at two wedding receptions, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.


The fight started when guests from one party went to the hotel bar and began fighting among themselves, the Philadelphia Daily News reported.

Then, guests from the other wedding, which took place elsewhere, arrived at the hotel and started fighting with the guests who were already knocking each other around, police spokesman Lt. Ray Evers said.

"It was an alcohol-fueled battle between wedding parties," Evers said. "It got very out of hand very quickly."

A witness to the incident said 50 to 100 partygoers and as many police officers were fighting.

"People were fighting back against police," said 15-year-old Max Shultz, who posted a video of the fight on YouTube. "I started taping once the police started jumping on people."

In the end, three people were arrested, two were charged with disorderly conduct and the other had charges pending as of Sunday, and a 57-year-old man, whose name was not reported, died of a heart attack.


Police said they were unsure if the man had been involved in the fight.

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