
Guidance counselor fired over racy book

OLYMPIA FIELDS, Ill., Sept. 19 (UPI) -- A suburban Chicago guidance counselor who penned a racy advice book about women and relationships has been fired from his job, school officials said.

The Rich Township High School board voted 6-0 to dismiss Bryan Craig, the Chicago Tribune reported Wednesday.


Craig has been on administrative leave from his counseling job since Aug. 31 and earlier resigned as coach of the girls basketball team at Rich Central High School in Olympia Fields.

His lawyer, Stephen Richards, said the school board's action was a violation of Craig's First Amendment rights.

"We don't believe the decision was correct," Richards told the Tribune.

At issue was the book Craig wrote to give women a "road map" to men and relationships.

"The ultimate point here is to utilize your worth, brains, experience or even sex appeal to potentially dominate one of the least intelligent creatures on the planet when it comes to the opposite sex," Craig wrote.

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