
Lawyer: Subpoena a danger for Anthony

ORLANDO, Fla., March 12 (UPI) -- Casey Anthony's lawyers said Monday her safety would be in jeopardy if a Florida judge forced her to attend a trial in a defamation suit against her.

Judge Lisa Munyon granted permission for Zenaida Gonzalez's lawyers to subpoena Anthony, but said she could not force defense lawyers Charles Greene and Cheney Mason accept the subpoena on Anthony's behalf, the Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel reported.


Greene argued Anthony should not be forced to appear in court in next month's trial because threats have been made against her and her family, and he feared for her safety if the public knew of her whereabouts. Anthony, 25, has been living in hiding since she was acquitted in July of the major charges in the 2008 death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

"The media and public want her here for reasons that have nothing to do with justice," Greene said.

Gonzalez is suing Anthony for defamation of character after Anthony told police in 2008 that a woman with her name kidnapped Caylee.

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