WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 (UPI) -- A smoke bomb apparently was thrown over the White House fence Tuesday evening during an Occupy movement rally, the Secret Service said.
Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie told Fox News Channel authorities were investigating and no arrests were reported as a result of the incident.
The network said it wasn't known if President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama were at home at the time. The Obamas had gone out to dinner to celebrate Michelle Obama's 48th birthday and it wasn't clear whether they had returned when the incident happened.
About 1,000 protesters were gathered outside the White House when the smoke bomb was tossed.
The Washington Post said four people were arrested earlier when protesters opposed to what they call corporate greed clashed with Capitol Police. Demonstrators went from singing and chanting to marching and dashing through government buildings, the newspaper said.
"I'm tired of the fat cats getting all the money," Barry Sipple, a 62-year-old disabled Vietnam veteran who arrived from Kentucky told the Post. "It seems like the right thing to do."
Deb Van Poolen, 42, an organic farmer living in the Occupy camp at Freedom Plaza, joined with others to stage a protest play in the office of Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., during which "terrorists" put a mock "Levin" behind bars.
"The theme of today is letting Congress know we are here and we'll have a presence and they need to listen to us," Van Poolen said.