
Special election for Weiner's seat Tuesday

Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner announces his resignation following his sexting scandal during a five-minute statement held in the borough of Brooklyn on June 16, 2011 in New York City. UPI /Monika Graff.
Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner announces his resignation following his sexting scandal during a five-minute statement held in the borough of Brooklyn on June 16, 2011 in New York City. UPI /Monika Graff. | License Photo

NEW YORK, Sept. 13 (UPI) -- Voters go to the polls in New York Tuesday for a special election that Democrats say could portend problems in next year's general election.

Democrats have held former Rep. Anthony Weiner's district since it was created; however, two polls last week indicate Republican candidate Bob Turner could defeat Democratic candidate David Weprin and take the seat, The Hill reported.


"If Turner wins on Tuesday, it will be largely due to the incredible unpopularity of Barack Obama dragging his party down in the district," wrote Tom Jensen of the Public Policy Polling, one of the firms whose poll indicated Turner held a lead.

The PPP poll indicated Weprin has a net positive approval rating, but the president's job approval rating was 31 percent in the district, which he won with 55 percent of the vote in 2008.

A Democratic strategist told The Hill Obama has become such a problem for down-ticket Democrats that "I'm warning my clients, 'Don't run in 2012.' I don't want to see good candidates lose by 12-to-15 [percentage] points because of the president."

Weiner resigned during the summer after admitting he had inappropriate online relationships with several women and sent bawdy pictures to his online friends.


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