
More suspects sought in mob attacks

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CHICAGO, June 6 (UPI) -- Chicago's acting top cop said he's satisfied with his department's handling of a weekend spate of mob assaults but wants all the offenders in custody.

"The strategy to prevent that from occurring again is not to be satisfied when 10 kids commit an infraction and arrest three of them," Acting Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "The answer is we're going to go after all 10 of them."


Five youths were charged Monday in a rash of weekend mob attacks in downtown Chicago, police said.

Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto said all alleged assaults took place within 10 minutes of one another beginning at 8:20 p.m. Saturday.

The victims included a man smoking a cigar on a bench, another parking his motor scooter outside Northwestern University's downtown campus and two men on a bicycle path. They were not seriously injured in the attacks but were robbed of mobile devices and a bike, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Out of a group of 15 to 20 attackers in their mid- to late teens, Dvonte Sykes, 17, Trovolus Pickett, 17, and Derodte Wright, 18, and two juveniles have been arrested and charged with mob action and robbery.


Chicago police are trying to stem mob attacks, often organized through text messages or social networking Web sites, in upscale downtown areas like Streeterville, the Gold Coast and the Magnificent Mile. Police said youths from poor neighborhoods have been responsible.

Philadelphia also has had teenage mobs, coordinating crimes by social networking, assaulting pedestrians and vandalizing property.

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