
Justice Dept. launches Web site

WASHINGTON, March 14 (UPI) -- U.S. Justice officials marked the start of Sunshine Week with the launch of, which the department says will increase federal government transparency.

The Web site for getting information under the Freedom of Information Act will help the administration in its pledge to be the most transparent administration in history, the department said in a release.


"The administration's openness initiatives are central to this president's approach to governing. Where we can open up the process of governing and enlist our fellow citizens to participate in solving the challenges we face, we're all going to be better off," said Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli. "We believe very simply that if we give people the information they seek, they will create a better government."

The Web site brings to one location all FOIA data collected by the department on behalf of the federal government.

"The site is designed not just to make FOIA easier," Perrelli said. "It tries to make FOIA better."

Sunshine Week is a national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information.

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