
Indiana official indicted in vote fraud

INDIANAPOLIS, March 3 (UPI) -- A grand jury Thursday indicted Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White on seven felony counts, including voter fraud and perjury, prosecutors said.

White turned himself in at the Hamilton County Jail and was released on $10,000 bond, The Indianapolis Star reported.


Among the charges against White is an allegation that he intentionally voted in the wrong precinct in a May 2010 primary. If he is convicted of the felony count, he would be required to resign from office, the newspaper said.

White, a Republican who soundly defeated Democratic nominee Vop Osili in November, has acknowledged he voted in a precinct where he no longer lived, using the address of a home he shared intermittently until 2009 with his now ex-wife, the Star said.

He said a hectic schedule kept him from keeping his voter registration up to date.

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