
Mom planned to 'massacre' children

Julie Powers Schenecker's mugshot, courtesy of the Hillsborough Country Sheriff's Office.
Julie Powers Schenecker's mugshot, courtesy of the Hillsborough Country Sheriff's Office.

TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 8 (UPI) -- A Florida woman accused of killing her teenage son and daughter wrote a note about her plans for a "massacre," Tampa police said.

Julie Powers Schenecker is accused of purchasing a .38-caliber revolver and shooting 16-year-old Calyx and 13-year-old Beau each twice in the head, the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times reported.


A Tampa police spokeswoman said Schenecker mentioned in a note that the three-day waiting period for purchasing a gun would "delay the massacre."

Her two children were found dead Jan. 28 after police got a call from Schenecker's mother who reported receiving an e-mail from her daughter in which she sounded depressed.

Police have not released further details about the shootings.

None of the gun shop managers contacted by the Times acknowledged selling Schenecker a revolver.

Schenecker remains in the infirmary at a Hillsborough County jail. An arraignment has not been scheduled.

The children's father is identified as U.S. Army Col. Parker Schenecker.

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