
Student made bomb threats to escape stress

WEST HARTFORD, Conn., Nov. 4 (UPI) -- A University of Connecticut student said she threatened to bomb a university campus because she could no longer take school stress, an arrest warrant says.

Kendriana Manning, 19, said balancing academic, household and job responsibilities had become overwhelming, but she felt unable to abandon any of them "because of pressure from her mother and father," the warrant said.


Manning said if the decision were hers, "she would quit school because she felt an obligation to take care of her mother," who is in poor health, the warrant cited by the Hartford (Conn.) Courant said.

She also acknowledged her frustration with the school's financial aid office and its "constant need for additional paperwork," the warrant said.

The bomb threats shut down the university's West Hartford campus Oct. 19 and 21 as police searched the campus's buildings and grounds for explosive devices. No bombs were found.

The threats were written in e-mails to the dean of students, police said.

The first read: "between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. today OR Friday night i will be letting off a series of bombs. think I'm joking ??????????? Hahahaha ok just cuz one doesn't go off today doesn't mean one wont go off soon. enjoy ya day p.s. BEWARE don't take this lightly," the arrest warrant said.


Police traced the e-mails to an East Hartford computer that Manning previously used to send e-mails to university employees.

When police started talking with her, Manning explained she expected to get caught.

Manning was charged with falsely reporting an incident, second-degree breach of peace, first-degree threatening, second-degree harassment and an act of terrorism.

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