
Police urge crackdown at S.F. nightclubs

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17 (UPI) -- Police are calling for stricter security measures at San Francisco nightspots after a shooting death outside a club, city records show.

Police want security cameras, metal detectors and ID scanners that store patrons' driver's license information for at least 15 days to be required for city permits at entertainment venues, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Friday.


The data and camera images would be turned over to law enforcement at their request, under a draft of the recommendations.

The proposal came at Mayor Gavin Newsom's request as the city tries to stem nightlife-related violence in the wake of the Aug. 8 killing of a German tourist outside a comedy club near her hotel in the theater district.

Some of the police suggestions may be opposed as an invasion of privacy, and club owners will probably see some as expensive and impractical.

The recommendations include requiring all security staff to be registered with the California Department of Consumer Affairs and making venue owners get police approval for their security plans. Currently, the city's entertainment commission reviews such plans.

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