BEDFORD, Texas, Aug. 25 (UPI) -- Officials at a religious school in Texas refused to enroll a 4-year-old girl in the pre-kindergarten program after learning her parents are lesbians.
Randall Foster, the chaplain at St. Vincent's School in Bedford, told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram the school only learned of Jill and Tracy Harrison's relationship when they showed up at parents' night. Previously, administrators believed Tracy Harrison was a man.
St. Vincent's is affiliated with the Anglican Church in North America, which recently broke with the Episcopal Church over accepting gay and lesbian priests and honoring committed same-sex relationships.
"The canons of our church take a traditional stand on Christian marriage," Foster said. "We didn't want to send the tacit message that we endorse the relationship. We cannot do anything that would give legitimacy to same-sex relationships."
Jill and Tracy Harrison, who married in Canada four years ago, are now separated. They still use the same last name.
When she filled out the application form, Jill Harrison said, she crossed out the "father" in the spaces for parents' names and referred to them both as mothers.