
Happy ending for Climategate scientists

LONDON, July 7 (UPI) -- British scientists did not fudge results and silence critics in order to bolster the case for manmade global warming, "Climategate" investigators say.

A six-month inquiry into the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit ended Wednesday with most of the accusations being dismissed, Britain's The Guardian reports.


Sir Muir Russell, who led the inquiry panel, says the scientists did not subvert the peer review process to censor criticism and that the data needed to reproduce their findings was available to any "competent" researcher.

The inquiry was prompted after hackers released more than 1,000 emails that purportedly showed scientists were manipulating and suppressing data to back up their theory of manmade climate change.

The inquiry did say that scientists were too quick to dismiss critics from outside their own circles, the BBC reports.

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