
FBI warns of 'suspicious bag' campaign

WASHINGTON, June 7 (UPI) -- The FBI says a possible new terrorist tactic will see suspicious but harmless bags left in U.S. cities to create fear and tie up law enforcement resources.

The FBI warned federal, state and local authorities after a posting on a known jihadist Web site suggested "invasions (of) suspicious bags" in "the heart of Washington and New York," ABC News reported Monday.


The bags would contain innocent items, not bombs, a tactic intended to inspire fear, interfere with public transport and tie up police and bomb squads, the FBI said.

The FBI says it provides situational awareness training to help law enforcement personnel determine when a bag or other object might be suspicious.

Authorities say they are familiar with the tactic of creating fear with suspicious bags and there are telltale signs when such a campaign is under way, ABC reported.

No such signs of any "suspicious bag" campaign have been seen in either Washington or New York, ABC said.

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