
Conservation measures due for Bush center

UNIVERSITY PARK, Texas, March 14 (UPI) -- Individuals behind the George W. Bush Presidential Center say the future Texas site will feature a variety of conservation measures.

George W. Bush Foundation President Mark Langdale, whose group is coordinating the construction project, lauded conservation plans such as having the 23-acre site use underground cisterns to capture rainwater so it can be recycled, The Dallas Morning News said Sunday.


"This is an important national building that could serve as a role model and as an example of using these important sustainable development practices," Langdale said of the project in University Park, Texas.

The center will also use solar energy to provide nearly 10 percent of its electricity and all of its hot water.

Project officials hope the conservation measures will help the site earn a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design platinum certification, the Morning News reported.

Groundbreaking at the center dedicated to the 43rd president of the United States is expected to take place later this year.

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