
Palin signs books in primary caucus state

SIOUX CITY, Iowa, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- Hundreds of Iowans turned out Sunday at a Sioux City bookstore where Sara Palin signed copies of her book, "Going Rogue."

She found a most receptive audience in Iowa's most conservative corner, and some said they hope she came not just to sell books but to greet GOP voters who would like to see her in the White House.


"I would hope that she would think about running in 2012," Palin supporter Jaci Hoeffer told ABC News.

The Iowa caucuses lead off the presidential nominating season, and previous candidates such as Lamar Alexander and Mike Huckabee made stops at Iowa bookstores during their campaign runs.

Outside the bookstore, some Palin fans camped overnight in the parking lot, braving fierce winds and single-digit temperatures, MSNBC said. Palin arrived about 1:30 p.m. -- 90 minutes late.

Area Republicans said they hoped Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate, would return for a longer appearance, perhaps at an arena or stadium.

"I guarantee we'd have 20,000 people show up for an event here," Sioux County Republican Party Chairman Mark Lundberg said.


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