
Target apologizes after costume complaints

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MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 17 (UPI) -- Target Corp., based in Minneapolis, has apologized for selling a Halloween costume that came under fire for its "illegal alien" theme.

The company said it was sorry for selling the $39.99 costume that included an orange jumpsuit emblazoned with the words "illegal alien," a large imitation green card and a space alien mask, The (Minneapolis) Star Tribune said Friday.


"We apologize. This was never intended to be part of our assortment. We are moving as quickly as possible to remove it from our Web site," Target spokesman Joshua Thomas said.

Thomas said the item, which drew several complaints, was accidentally put up for sale on the Target customer Web site due to a wrong number being put into the system.

Media relations consultant Vicki Adame, who was among those who complained to Target, told the newspaper the costume was simply in bad taste.

"It's insensitive, it's offensive," Adame said. "Immigration is such a hot-button issue. Why is Target fueling that fire?"

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