
Kabul ratifies cluster bomb treaty

GENEVA, Switzerland, Sept. 13 (UPI) -- The ratification on the convention on cluster munitions by Afghanistan strengthens the notion that those weapons are undesirable, the ICRC said.

Afghanistan became the 62nd nation to back the cluster munitions treatment when its ratification was filed with the United Nations last year.


The convention prohibits the use, development, production and other proliferation activities associated with cluster munitions. States party to the convention are obligated to take measures to destroy their stockpiles and clear the munitions remnants from their territory.

International Committee for the Red Cross President Jakob Kellenberger said Afghanistan's signature proved the detrimental nature of cluster munitions.

"The signing of this convention by so many states is evidence that the suffering of victims and affected countries has not gone unnoticed," he said. "The convention will establish that these are prohibited weapons and become a bulwark against their further proliferation."

The United Nations during the early stages of the Libyan war noted that targeting medical facilities in Libya and the use of indiscriminate weapons like cluster bombs could amount to war crimes.

Cluster bombs break up over a target and disperse hundreds of tiny bombs over a wide area.


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