
Hezbollah challenges Hariri tribunal evidence

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Aug. 25 (UPI) -- Using telecommunications data to accuse members of Hezbollah of assassinating Rafik Hariri is invalid because of Israeli control of the sector, a lawmaker said.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon unveiled details about four suspects tied to Hezbollah that are believed to have played a leading role in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.


Prosecutors at the tribunal used evidence obtained from cell phones to link the suspects to the assassination.

Hasan Fadlallah, a lawmaker in Hezbollah's parliamentary block, said the data used by the tribunal were suspect because of Israeli connections to the Lebanese telecommunications sector.

"The entire telecoms sector is under the control of Israeli intelligence and the Jewish state can hack into the network," he was quoted by The Daily Star newspaper in Lebanon as saying.

Hezbollah has claimed the tribunal is part of an Israeli ploy meant to discredit the organization, which holds two seats in the Lebanese Cabinet.

The tribunal advised Beirut it would take further steps to bring the accused to trial after Lebanese authorities reported no luck in finding the suspects. The tribunal recently said it was looking into further cases believed to be on part with the Hariri assassination.


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