
Gadhafi can stay, rebel leader says

Libyans burn books authored by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi at a local park of the Benghazi, Libya on March 2, 2011. UPI/Mohamaad Hosam
Libyans burn books authored by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi at a local park of the Benghazi, Libya on March 2, 2011. UPI/Mohamaad Hosam | License Photo

AZ ZINTAN, Libya, July 25 (UPI) -- Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi can stay in Libya as part of a solution to the conflict provided opposition forces determine the conditions, a rebel leader said.

Opposition leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil told The Wall Journal that Gadhafi and members of his family could remain in the country provided he surrenders power.


"Gadhafi can stay in Libya but it will have conditions," he said during the interview. "We will decide where he stays and who watches him. The same conditions will apply to his family."

Washington and its allies in Rome suggested Gadhafi's fate was in the hands of the Libyan people, demanding only that he give up power.

Jalil told the Journal that rebel forces would continue the fight during the holy month of Ramadan, which starts in early August.

"The war will end in one of three ways," he added. "Gadhafi will surrender, he will flee Libya or he will be killed or captured by one of his bodyguards or by rebel forces."

The U.N. Security Council in March authorized military force to protect civilians from attacks by forces loyal to Gadhafi. Members of the NATO-led operation said regime change wasn't part of the mandate but stressed Gadhafi couldn't be part of a future Libya.


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