
Attack victims to get copy of STL judgment

LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands, July 12 (UPI) -- Victims seeking claims from the 2005 assassination of Rafik Hariri in Lebanon would get a copy of the judgment if anyone is convicted, a tribunal said.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon in June handed an indictment to Lebanese authorities. The STL is investigating the bomb blast in 2005 that killed Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 21 other people.


The tribunal during the weekend called on Interpol to issue a Red Notice to individuals accused of having a role in the attack.

The indictment includes members of Shiite resistance movement Hezbollah. Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah ruled out their arrest.

The tribunal, in a statement last Thursday, said it opened applications for victims who wanted to participate in tribunal proceedings. The tribunal noted, however, that it can't award compensation for damages.

"However, if one or more accused persons are convicted, the tribunal shall provide victims with a certified copy of the judgment, which they may present before national courts in order to seek compensation," it said in a statement.

The tribunal stressed the application process would be confidential.

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