
Egyptian officials ordered sniper fire

CAIRO, March 25 (UPI) -- The former Egyptian interior minister ordered snipers, who later fired on unarmed protesters, to take positions outside his window, investigators were told.

Sources close to an Egyptian investigation into the actions of former regime officials during the revolution said Egyptian Interior Minister Habib al-Adly may have issued orders to his assistants to use weapons to disperse demonstrators from the front of his building in January, Egyptian newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm reports.


At least 300 people were killed in Egyptian protests and thousands of others, including foreign journalists, were injured.

Sources close to the investigation say the interior minister ordered associates to place 20 snipers at key locations, including five in his office, during the height of the unrest in January.

A government committee determined that police affiliated with the regime of President Hosni Mubarak fired on protesters from on top of the American University of Cairo and the Interior Ministry building.

Adly's lawyers said he issued orders based on false information from his deputies, meaning he wasn't responsible for the decision to fire on protesters.

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