
Serbia moves to reform security sector

BELGRADE, Serbia, April 9 (UPI) -- Serbian Military Academy and Czech University of Defense officials recently held discussions to address ways to reform the security sector in Serbia.

The conference between the Eastern European military academies, supported by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, was designed to discuss ways to improve military education in Serbia as part of an effort to exchange ideas on reforming the country's overall security sector, the OSCE reported.


Officials called the conference a proactive approach to address security concerns and an initiative to strengthen multinational ties for the Serbian military.

"Reforming military education is a strategic part of overall security-sector reform in Serbia," Hannelore Valier, head of the democratization department at the OSCE mission to Serbia, said in a statement.

"A very important aspect of this process is exchanging experience with counterparts from abroad, and the Defense University of Brno (in the Czech Republic) was identified as a compatible institution for this purpose."

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