
Interpol, Ukraine discuss border security

KIEV, Ukraine, Jan. 20 (UPI) -- Ukraine's prime minister met with the head of Interpol Tuesday to discuss border security initiatives and ongoing efforts to secure travel documents.

Interpol Secretary-General Ronald Noble led a delegation to Ukraine Tuesday to meet with Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Officials say the meeting, as part of Interpol's Global Security Initiative, was an effort to strengthen cooperation on border security in Ukraine and discuss initiatives to secure travel documents, Interpol reported.


Ukraine, which will host an international conference on border and travel document security in 2010, has been working to support Interpol's ongoing programs enhancing global partnerships on border and document security around the world.

"The conference ... will provide a global forum for the public and private sectors to come together and identify areas where mutual support and exchange of expertise can further enhance the safety and security of citizens worldwide," the release said.

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