WASHINGTON, March 22 (UPI) -- The day after the U.S. House passed healthcare reform, the National Republican Committee posted a Web site aimed at defeating House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
"Fire Pelosi" the metallic gray headline against an orange-flamed background reads. "40 seats (mean) no more Madam Speaker," referring to the number of seats the GOP must win to reclaim the House on Election Day in November.
The goal of the contribution site is to raise $842,010 in 40 hours to win 40 seats. It features a countdown clock ticking off the seconds, minutes and hours as the deadline approaches. On Monday, with 24 hours and 39 minutes remaining, $502,333 had been collected, the site indicated.
The page carries the disclaimer it is paid for by the RNC and isn't authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. It includes links to Twitter, Facebook and other social media, plus an opportunity to send a "tweet bomb," a form of spam, to try to gain growing support.