KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Nov. 21 (UPI) -- Afghan and Canadian forces captured a Taliban-controlled village Saturday in Afghanistan's Panjwaii district, the Canadian military said.
The Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry battle group said in a statement the liberation of Nakhonay was part of a joint military effort aimed at securing approaches to Kandahar City, the Canwest News Service reported.
Since the operation began last weekend, coalition forces captured the village of Hajji Baba and began attempting to locate any insurgents in the area.
"We know that some of the insurgents remain in Hajji Baba and the Nakhonay and it will take time for us to build relationships with locals and determine who is a local national and who is an insurgent," the battle group based in Alberta, Canada, said.
"We don't know the composition of the insurgency in those areas, but it's likely that some are fighting for the cause for economic reasons because they have no other means of supporting their families."
Canwest said in Kandahar City Saturday, local residents were provided with food and other supplies by Canada's provincial reconstruction team.