
Poll: More would vote for BNP after show

LONDON, Oct. 24 (UPI) -- More people would consider voting for the ultra-right British National Party after its leader appeared on the BBC, a poll indicates.

A YouGov poll conducted for The Daily Telegraph showed 22 percent of voters would "seriously consider" voting for the BNP in a future local or European election -- up to 2 to 3 percent over last month -- after BNP Member of Parliament Nick Griffin appeared this week on the British broadcaster's flagship current affairs program, the newspaper reported Saturday.


The Telegraph said the findings would fuel accusations the BBC decision to allow Griffin a national platform backfired. On the show, Griffin discussed his views on immigration, the Holocaust, Islam and homosexuality as anti-facist protesters picketed outside the BBC studios.

Two-thirds of the poll's respondents said they would not consider voting for the BNP "under any circumstances," but more than half agreed the rightists "had a point" in wishing to "speak up for the interests of the indigenous, white British people ... which successive governments have done far too little to protect."

The newspaper said the poll was conducted in the hours after Griffin's Thursday appearance but did not supply its methodology.


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