
Lawyers in Detroit suit could be disbarred

DETROIT, May 21 (UPI) -- Five lawyers involved in an $8 million settlement between Detroit and two whistle-blowing police officers could lose their licenses to practice.

The lawyers allegedly crafted the settlement to avoid the release of e-mails between former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and Christine Gregoire, his chief of staff and lover, the Detroit Free Press reported. Misconduct charges by the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission were announced Wednesday.


A hearing is scheduled to run from July 8-14.

The lawyers involved include former Detroit Corporation Counsel John Johnson Jr.; Valerie Colbert-Osamuede, the chief assistant corporation counsel; two lawyers hired by the city for the litigation; and a lawyer representing the three police officers.

Robert Agacinski, who heads the commission, described the group as "very good lawyers confusing their duty to the people of Detroit, the City Council and the Office of Mayor with the individual, Kwame Kilpatrick."

Kilpatrick pleaded guilty to lying on a deposition after his e-mails became public and served a short jail sentence.

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