
PETA turning attention to McDonald's

CHICAGO, Feb. 16 (UPI) -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says it is unhappy with McDonald's Corp. because of the way chickens are killed for use by the U.S. fast-food chain.

The activists accuse McDonald's of not using the most humane ways possible to slaughter chickens served in its restaurants and are planning protests, the Chicago Tribune reported Monday.


PETA officials previously targeted McDonald's in 2000 with their "McCruelty" campaign.

Matt Prescott, PETA's director of corporate affairs, said the group wants to pressure McDonald's into influencing how chickens are killed by its suppliers.

PETA officials are calling for the use of a gas slaughter method considered more humane. The chickens now are knocked unconscious with electricity before having their throats cut.

But Bob Langert, McDonald's vice president of corporate social responsibility, has challenged the PETA stance.

"It's not conclusive that it's more humane," he told the Tribune of the gas method.

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