
Former Gitmo detainee suing U.S. govt.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Jan. 22 (UPI) -- A Pakistani citizen alleges in a lawsuit against the U.S. government that he was unjustly held at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base for more than six years.

Pakistani national Saad Muhammad Iqbal said while he was eventually cleared of all criminal allegations and freed by the U.S. military, his lengthy incarceration at the Cuban site was unwarranted, CNN reported Thursday.


"I am angry in my heart," Iqbal said. "It's easy for the U.S. government to say, 'There are no charges found and he's free.'"

"But who will be responsible for seven years of my life?"

The federal lawsuit filed on behalf of Iqbal in the United States alleges Iqbal was unlawfully detained in 2002 while visiting family in Indonesia. Specifics regarding the suit were not reported.

Iqbal has maintained he never openly spoke about making a shoe bomb, the alleged action that prompted his incarceration by the U.S. military.

"I never (made) that statement," Iqbal told CNN. "But they have (said) a lot of things, like I went to Afghanistan, but they have no proof."

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