WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- A Canadian snake enthusiast in Winnipeg, Manitoba, sustained massive damage to his face after being bitten by one of the most venomous vipers.
The unidentified 31-year-old was bitten outside the city Sunday, Winnipeg police spokeswoman Constable Jacqueline Chaput told the Winnipeg Sun.
He was bitten by a West African gaboon viper, which has fangs longer than 2 inches, the longest of any venomous snake, and one of the most potent venoms, the report said.
A friend took the man to a hospital and the bite victim told doctors what happened and what antivenin was needed. He lost consciousness and was listed in critical condition Sunday night until the antivenin was flown in from Toronto, the report said.
Dr. Pierre Plourde of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority told the newspaper the venom destroys tissue, likely necessitating plastic surgery, or in the case of limbs, amputation.
The bite victim was listed in stable condition Tuesday, the Sun said.