MOSCOW, Aug. 30 (UPI) -- Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has warned Europe against following U.S. leadership regarding the Georgian crisis.
Putin made his remarks in advance of Monday's European Union emergency meeting on the subject, RIA Novosti reported Saturday. Russia has officially recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia from Georgia, drawing condemnation as an "irresponsible decision" from the United States and other Western nations.
"If European countries continue carrying out such policies, we will have to talk to Washington about European matters," Putin said in a Friday interview with Germany's ARD television.
He also pointed out Europe had recently backed the United States and supported Kosovo's declaration of independence in February, while a Russian-backed resolution in the United Nations on Serbia's territorial integrity was "thrown in the garbage."
Russia had argued that accepting Kosovo's independence might lead to a "chain reaction" amongst other regions seeking autonomy.