EDMONTON, Alberta, July 15 (UPI) -- The first video of an interrogation of an al-Qaida suspect at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was released Tuesday.
A 10-minute excerpt of the questioning was posted to the Internet around 5 a.m., made public under a court order obtained by the Edmonton, Alberta, lawyers for Canadian Omar Khadr. He was 16 when questioned in February 2003, the Globe and Mail newspaper reported.
The tape shows a senior agent from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and foreign affairs official asking about Khadr's activities in Afghanistan a year earlier when he was injured and arrested while fighting U.S. soldiers, the Toronto Star said.
The excerpts show Khadr at times sobbing, telling the agent "You don't care about me" and lifting his orange prison clothes to show scars from the firefight, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., reported.
Last week, documents were made public showing Khadr's U.S. jailers had subjected him to weeks of sleep deprivation before the Canadians were allowed to interview him, the Globe said.
Full copies of the seven-hour interrogation were to be released Tuesday, the Toronto Star said.