
Canada adds Tamil group to terror list

TORONTO, June 16 (UPI) -- Canada's federal public safety minister said the World Tamil Movement had been added Monday to the country's list of terrorist groups.

At an afternoon Toronto news conference, Stockwell Day said intelligence indicated the group was a money-raising front for the separatist Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, CTV News reported.


"Innocent civilians in other countries have been killed by terrorist activities and those terrorist activities have been funded in part by dollars that come from Canada and we want to put a stop to that whenever we can and make sure it comes to an end," Day said. "We have to send a clear message that we do not condone this type of activity."

A background news release issued by Day's office said WTM members throughout the country canvas for large donations in Tamil communities.

"Refusals to contribute often lead to threats and intimidation," the release said.

The terror designation makes it illegal for anyone in Canada to knowingly deal with assets, owned or controlled by the Tamil group, the report said.

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