
Spitzer call girl sues 'Girls Gone Wild'

MIAMI, April 29 (UPI) -- Ashley Dupre, the call girl involved in Eliot Spitzer's resignation as governor of New York, is suing Joe Francis, owner of "Girls Gone Wild" videos.

Dupre claims Francis got her to sign a contract in 2003 when she was only 17 -- not legally an adult -- and drunk, the Orlando Sentinel reported. Richard Wolfe, her lawyer, filed the federal lawsuit in Miami, listing Francis, two affiliated companies and another man as defendants.


Wolfe said Dupre "did not understand the magnitude of her actions" or that she would be shown in DVDs and videos in provocative poses when she signed the contract.

Francis offered Dupre $1 million to appear on a "Girls Gone Wild" video after she was identified as "Kristen," the woman who visited Spitzer in a Washington hotel. He backed down when he discovered she had already appeared in "Girls Gone Wild."

In a statement in March, Francis said he had videotape of Dupre signing a release and showing identification in 2003.

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