
Colleges offering classes on Mormonism

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 19 (UPI) -- U.S. colleges and universities have been slow to add courses on Mormonism, one of the fastest growing religions in the world, it was reported.

The Boston Globe reported Tuesday that while Harvard Divinity School offers classes in American Buddhism, Jewish Apocalypticism and Classical Sufism, it was not until this semester that the Ivy League school offered a course on Mormonism.


Claremont Graduate University in California and Utah State College, two non-Mormon schools, have established the first endowed chairs in Mormon studies, the newspaper reported.

"The interest is growing in Mormon studies generally, and it's becoming something that other religious studies scholars have to take account of and pay greater attention to," Melissa Proctor, a visiting lecturer teaching Harvard's new course, was quoted as saying.

"Some people believe we have entered a golden age of sorts in Mormon studies," said Proctor, who grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as the Mormon Church is know officially.

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