
Denmark backs U.S. Afghan defense plan

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Dec. 10 (UPI) -- Denmark's government has announced its support of a U.S. proposal to arm groups in southern Afghanistan.

The move would help allow reconstruction efforts to begin in areas liberated by NATO, as well as help protect against the Taliban, the Copenhagen Post reported Monday.


The shortage of NATO forces in the region leaves already-liberated towns defenseless after the Taliban has been run out and the insurgents simply return once NATO troops move on.

The proposal is seen as a way to allow aid workers to move but still prevent the Taliban from returning.

Denmark Defense Minister Soren Gade said the shortage of combat troops in regions where the heaviest fighting against the Taliban has occurred, has led the government to support turning over security operations to local forces.

"We need to be pragmatic about this and admit that Afghani measures are needed to solve Afghani problems," said Gade.

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