
Bhutto: Musharraf supporters staged attack

KARACHI, Pakistan, Oct. 25 (UPI) -- Former Pakistani leader Benazir Bhutto Thursday said she thinks supporters of President Pervez Musharraf set off bombs during her convoy in Karachi last week.

Bhutto told CNN International she has written to Musharraf "about certain people … some of whom are in the security and administration of this regime."


"I know General Musharraf trusts them, I respect his trust in them, but I also have my own suspicions," she said. "All I'm asking is that, please, let an independent inquiry investigate this matter so that it can be laid to rest."

At least 130 people were killed and hundreds more injured in the attack last Thursday in Karachi.

Bhutto said she narrowly escaped death in the attack, which marked her return to Pakistan after nine years of self-exile. She suffered a perforated eardrum.

"The only reason that the rest of us on the truck survived was because the bodyguards surrounded my truck and did not allow the second attack to take place on my truck," she said. "Otherwise all of us would have been dead."


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