
New TV ad tabs Romney as flip-flopper

WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 (UPI) -- Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has been labeled a serial flip-flopper in terms of political efforts by a new TV ad from a Republican group.

The Washington Times said Wednesday that the advertisement from the Log Cabin Republicans calls the candidate for the Republican presidential nomination inconsistent when it comes to supporting certain controversial topics.


"He's changed his views so many times it's really hard to predict what a Romney administration would be like," said Patrick Sammon, the president of the homosexual rights organization. "This education effort on our part is about more than gay rights, it's about this man's principle and whether you can trust him."

In response to the flip-flopping accusation, Romney's campaign team has portrayed them as a questionable campaign tactic aimed at helping Romney's electoral competitors.

"When you have an extraordinary record of accomplishment like Governor Romney has, opponents are reduced to just name-calling," campaign spokesman Kevin Madden told the Times.

"They are an organization that supports (former New York) Mayor (Rudy) Giuliani," he added. "They are also targeting Governor Romney because he is a staunch defender of traditional marriage and favors a federal marriage amendment."


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