
German attacks blamed on neo-Nazis

STOLBERG, Germany, Sept. 3 (UPI) -- German police have blamed right-wing extremists for numerous attacks that took place in several cities over the weekend.

A demonstration against the ideology of far-right groups in cities across Germany this weekend also sparked several attacks blamed on neo-Nazis or on people with anti-immigrant views, Deutsche Welle reported Monday.


The rallies and concerts aimed to show solidarity with Germany's immigrant community, but gave neo-Nazi’s a chance to launch attacks.

Two teenage girls were reportedly beaten in the face with sticks by neo-Nazi youths outside a concert being held against right-wing extremism on Saturday in Stolberg and about two hours later the police were called to another part of town where more than a dozen young people were reportedly yelling "Heil Hitler."

There were also numerous Swastikas painted on building over the weekend, including a church and school.

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