MOSCOW, Aug. 14 (UPI) -- A video purporting to show two Russian neo-Nazis executing two dark-skinned men identified as immigrants has turned up on the Internet.
Russia Today said the 2 1/2-minute video, which was circulated on several Web sites and blogs for nearly 18 hours, showed one man being beheaded and the other shot with a swastika banner hanging behind them. The victims were identified in the video as being from Tajikistan and Dagestan.
The video was attributed to an unknown group called the Nationalist-Socialist party of Russia, Russia Today said. The video was posted by a user with the login "antigypsone." Officials hadn't been able to trace the person or verify whether the executions were real.
The New York Times said the video came with a note saying a "military vanguard" had initiated armed action against "black colonists and those who support them from the Russian government." It demanded all Asians and people from the Caucasus be expelled, that Russia's internal republics in the Caucasus be given independence, that President Vladimir Putin resign and a government be formed by Dmitri G. Rumyantsev, the leader of the National-Socialist Society.