
Terror prosecutors make closing arguments

MIAMI, Aug. 13 (UPI) -- Three South Florida terror suspects supported radical Muslim groups that killed and maimed those they deemed enemies of Islam, prosecutors asserted Monday.

“People cannot commit violence just because their personal beliefs make it OK in their minds,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Brian Frazier, referring to suspects Jose Padilla, Adham Hassoun and Kifah Jayyousi.


All three men are in Miami on charges they provided material and monetary support to terror groups abroad. Padilla also is accused of being a willing recruit of al-Qaida.

Attorneys for Hassoun said in their closing arguments Monday that government claims the defendants used coded language to hide so-called nefarious activities were “pure fantasy” and that the suspects sent relief supplies such as food and clothing to Muslims abroad suffering the atrocities of war and political oppression.

“Playing football is a word the government wants you to believe is about committing murder,” said Hassoun’s attorney. Ken Swartz.

“They want to scare you … don’t fall for it,” Swartz warned. “This was pure relief … thinking anything else is pure fallacy.”

Attorneys for Jayyousi and Padilla are scheduled to make their closing remarks Tuesday.


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