
Iranian bomb use peaks in Iraq

BAGHDAD, Aug. 8 (UPI) -- The U.S. military said attacks against U.S.-led forces using a roadside bomb thought to be Iranian in origin reached a record in July.

The bombs, explosively formed penetrators, caused one-third of U.S.-led forces combat deaths in 99 July incidents, The New York Times reported Wednesday.


"July was an all-time high," said Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno, the second ranking U.S. commander in Iraq.

The devices, which fire a semi-molten copper slug that has the capability to penetrate Humvee armor, are most commonly used by Shiite militia groups.

Iran has denied supplying the militants with weapons, but U.S. intelligence officials believe the devices originate from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Iran.

Odierno said Iran appears to be stepping up support of the militant groups to increase pressure on the U.S. military amid congressional deliberations on withdrawals of U.S. troops.

“I think it is because the Iranians are surging support to the special groups,” he said, referring to Iranian-backed militant cells. “Over the last three to four months, it has picked up in terms of equipment, training and dollars.”

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