
Meteorite recovered after Kansas tornado

GREENSBURG, Kan., May 8 (UPI) -- Residents of Greensburg, Kan., are again in possession of their city's prized 1,000-pound meteorite that went missing during last week's tornado.

While some feared the Pallasite Meteorite had simply blown away during last Friday's devastating tornado strike, the half-iron half-stone space artifact was recently rediscovered at a farm just east of the city, KAKE-TV of Wichita, Kan., reported.


The meteorite, known affectionately as "The Space Wanderer," had been displayed in Greensburg's Celestial Museum prior to the site's destruction during the tornado.

The half-ton space debris had been shown on the local museum near the largest hand-dug well in the world, known as the Big Well.

KAKE-TV reported that the meteorite was located on a nearby farm through the use of a mine detector.

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