SEATTLE, April 27 (UPI) -- A University of Washington engineer said a mystery rock -- said to be from an unidentified flying object -- is probably a meteorite fragment.
Bill Beaty, a researcher in the chemistry department, told The Seattle Post-Intelligencer the fragment could also have a terrestrial origin -- old lava.
"I'm not a geologist, but this looks like old lava or maybe ancient mud to me, because it's all full of little gas pockets, and gas pockets have crystals coating the inner walls," Beaty said in an analysis video. "If it's got little crystal incrustations, then at one point it had to be deeply buried."
The rock was found April 15 at the site where a B-25 crashed in 1947. UFO enthusiasts claim that the military plane was carrying chunks of an alien space ship.
There are eyewitness accounts of mysterious objects over Puget Sound in 1947. Beaty suggested the witnesses saw an alien flying object -- an exploding stony meteor.
The rock is on display at the Seattle Museum of Mysteries.