
$1 million to investigate Litvinenko death

LONDON, April 4 (UPI) -- Alexander Litvinenko's widow said this week she will use a donation of nearly $1 million to find the truth behind the former Russian agent's death.

Thanks to a generous donation from exiled Russian billionaire Boris Berezovsky, Marina Litvinenko said Tuesday that she has created a foundation to found out the true motives behind her husband's murder, The Independent reported.


She said that through the Litvinenko Justice Foundation, she will attempt to find out why her 43-year-old husband was killed by being exposed to radioactive polonium-210.

The foundation also will serve as a mediator for other radiation sufferers to seek legal justice and compensation.

"I cannot say what I feel against the people who would do this because I do not know exactly who did it," Mrs. Litvinenko said. "What I do is just for Sasha and his memory, for his son and for all people who should not expect this."

The Independent said the foundation's creation comes in the wake of allegations that Russian officials have blocked investigations into the former security agent's death.

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