
Argentina reasserts Falklands claim

BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 24 (UPI) -- On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Falklands War, Argentina is once again asserting its claim to the Falkland Islands.

Argentina last week claimed the British stole the islands in 1833, the Washington Post reported.


Argentine President Nestor Kirchner -- who grew up on the Falklands -- has taken pains every so often to draw the world's attention to Argentina's claim, and has asked the United Nations to intervene in the claim for the islands that Argentines call the Malvinas.

"The recuperation of the Malvinas must be a national objective, and through peaceful dialogue, we must recover them," said Kirchner at a rally last year.

Argentina's former dictatorship launched an unsuccessful attack on the islands in 1982, a 73-day war that left 650 Argentines and 250 British dead.

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