
Official: King did not shoot drunken bear

MOSCOW, Oct. 27 (UPI) -- The governor of Russia's Vologda region has refuted a news report that Spain's King Juan Carlos shot and killed a tame drunken bear north of Moscow.

The allegation against the monarch was made in a business daily. The report claimed the king, an avid hunter who was visiting the Vologda region, felled a bear named Mitrofan with a single shot after the beast was fed vodka-soaked honey before being let out of a cage, the Novosti news agency said.


"All rumors and speculations about Spanish King Juan Carlos' alleged hunting in the Vologda region are ungrounded and untrue," Gov. Vyacheslav Pozgalyov said.

In fact, Pozgalyov said, the king did not fire a single shot during his visit to the region, Novosti reports.

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